If fire and health and safety weren’t enough for you to worry about, you also need to consider the potential implications of asbestos!    

Do you know if you have asbestos anywhere within your building(s)? Are you confident that you know what the risks are? Do you know what to do to manage these risks?

A properly completed asbestos risk assessment will help to identify any known Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) within the common parts, in order for appropriate action to be taken.  Periodic re-inspections of known ACMs are also necessary to ensure no deterioration has occurred that could present a higher level of risk.

Working closely with our Asbestos Management partners, we can help take care of all this for you!

Asbestos surveys are not generally required in new building so please feel free contact us if you’re unsure.

To find out more, call us today on 02392 984 447 or click the button below to book your Asbestos risk assessment.